Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

Okay, so after a five-year hiatus from blogging, I'm gonna give it another shot. Yes, I've said that before. Yes, I really mean it this time. For now, the shell of the blog is available -- as you can see -- or else you wouldn't be here. It'll be tweaked, refined, etc., in the coming days.

Soon I'll try to post something fresh and compelling. Or at least fresh. Until then, I'll whet your appetite with a handful of entries from my previous blog existence, which you'll find under "Moldy Oldies." The Condiments section is a list of blogs I (sometimes) read and (usually) like, or just sites I regularly visit on the web. It too will expand when I have time to collect the links.

Come back soon.


  1. This post was almost worth reading. I can't wait for more!

  2. And why are my blogs not in "condiments?" This makes me sad :(

  3. Kenna: I've corrected that unfortunate oversight. It just seems to me that "condiments" doesn't really do you justice. Maybe I should create a dessert section for you.
